Day Two of Filming (12/1)

Going into the second day of filming, we initially thought it would be our last day of filming, but we were luckily given an additional day of filming the following week. This caused a substantial reduction in the collective stress felt by our group, but we still would have a good amount to get done that day. Though we had a general idea of what needed to be done written down, we had no solidified plan.

The primary aim for the day was to film the scenes of Kim and Sophie playing chess, as well as film some coverage to create a double-exposure effect. The issue was that we ended up not having a plan for how we'd film various chess moves and parts of the game. Because of this, we ended up spending a lot of time aimlessly filming - what I'd consider - essentially useless footage.

Eventually, we figured out how we would conduct the game and the moves. By the time we had figured it out, there were only about 10 minutes left until we had to strike set for the day. Though it took us a handful of attempts to film the scene properly we got it done right as it began to rain. 

I felt relieved that we had finished filming all of the scenes and coverage involving Kim and Sophie actually playing. There was more that I was hoping to do, which frustrated me, but thankfully there was very little left to do and we still had one more day. 

This taught me the value of having a solidified and agreed-upon film plan. Even though we had a good storyboard and general idea of how we'd shoot a lack of attention to detail within our plan caused far more delays than necessary.
