Film Title and Logo

When planning out the film and putting together the project proposal I realized we had never come up with a title for the film. I didn't want to deal with group discourse or other options, and since I was home over break when this occurred I unilaterally decided upon a film title. The first thing I came up with is what I wound up selecting - The King and the Pawn - without putting thought toward coming up with other ideas.

This title fits extremely well for our film. Firstly, the film has to center around chess. Due to this, the choice to include the names of chess pieces in the title - "King" and "Pawn" - is well-fitting. Additionally, the genre of film we're creating is a mafia/mob film, where the story centers around the chess game of a mob boss and his "minion" as they play to the death. The title helps to illustrate the vast power difference between the two; one is the mob boss (King), the top of his organization/most important, whereas the minion (pawn) is seen as the bottom of the organization and thus very expandable. Their importance/power within the mob is indicative of those chess pieces.

When creating the logo for our film I decided to do a similar design to that of the 1972 film, "The Godfather." I chose to base it off that logo because it is extremely recognizable and the movie itself is one of the most popular movies of all time - likely the most popular within the mafia/mob film genre. 

I used Adobe Photoshop to type out "The King...And the Pawn" in the same font used in "The Godfather." From there I deleted the "i" in "King" and replaced it with a chess piece King - in a specific art style that I thought fit well. Then I finished it up by adding the puppet hand from the original title. This logo pulls together elements from the original "The Godfather" logo while also adding elements of originality, making it both our own and helping to create the aesthetic our movie aims for.

Between the title itself and the logo that was designed, both fit very well.
