Final Day of Filming (12/5)

With filming the chess match itself out of the way, we could now film the final parts of our film. Thankfully, upon reviewing my notes there was really only a scene or two we'd have to film. Since we had extra time we'd be able to experiment as well.

Once we began to film, it thankfully was only the one ending scene. Since this was arguably the most important scene, it behooved us to have so much extra time to experiment with angles and perspectives. We shot that one scene 8 times total from 3 different perspectives. Though all 3 could work well, I believe one of the over-the-shoulder shots would work best. 

Afterward, we had some more time to kill so we just spent it filming coverage of various close-up facial expressions. Though the prior day of shooting I felt stressed about possibly having too much to film, the final day eased my concerns. We worked far more effectively (partially because we simply had less to do), but also because we had a far more solid plan laid down. 

Our only challenge was our cinematographer, Bella, getting sick at the last minute and not being able to come. I knew how to set up and use the equipment though, so there were luckily no issues in that area. Sophie and Kim stepped up as well to do the hand signs - in place of a clapper - since I couldn't operate the camera and do the hand signs.
