Shoot #2: Setting Up Outdoor Shot (Opening Scene)

    Though there were to be minor changes from our original film, one of the things we wanted to remain the same is the opening scene. We began our filming for the night shooting this scene. Before we could begin filming though, I had to drag an extension chord from my garage to the side of the house in order to plug our light in. When originally shooting the scene it was very difficult to see Abby, but having an extra light source made it far easier to see her. 

    While Chris and Gabby were helping to adjust the brightness/direction of the light, I was ensuring we had our shot lined up. Since I would be driving my car for this scene, I pressed record, had Luise stand by the camera, and ran to my car. As the camera recorded - including myself - a total of 3 cars passed. Reviewing this footage after the scene was shot gave me the idea that we could have her appear after the first car, and disappear after mine passes. 

    Overall though, I was very pleased with how this scene came out. Though there were elements of this shot I loved from our original shoot of the film, the difference between the two is night and day. Though we did use extra light, we made sure was used in a way that did not compromise the look of the shot. The lighting looked like it was motivated by the world around it - a characteristic of good lighting/filmmaking.

A rough sketch that I did to demonstrate how the shot would be set up with camera placement, my driving path/starting point, light placement/direction, and where Abby would be standing.
