Shooting Day 1: Makeup/Costume (Time Issues)

    In order to create the proper La Llorona appearance as I had envisioned, it would require the dress Abby had shown me as well as heavy amounts of makeup. What we did not realize though is how much time it would take in order to apply all the necessary makeup. Our plan was to begin shooting by 9 PM, but with all the time it took applying the makeup, etc. we did not even begin until 10:30 PM.

Gabby applying the fake blood
I had made to Abby's face in order
to look like tears.

    We had now depicted La Llorona as we planned - white dress, dark eyes/lips, bloody tears, etc. Despite this extremely well-done depiction, our late start had a number of adverse side effects and consequences once filming began. All members of the cast and crew had extremely long days leading up to filming, so starting even later affected everyone's ability to stay awake, focus, etc.

    Though our depiction of La Llorona was extremely well done, we should've planned better around the time it'd take to create it. The late start and the effects it had on everyone impacted our overall production in a negative way.
